What the hell’s going on with folk commenting on here? As Hector said, if you don’t like what somebody says, then don’t interact with him/her. Folk are going on about ‘snide comments’ and the like, which, I have to say, I haven’t noticed. All I’ve see is somebody that disagrees with what most of the rest of us believe; should I ban him for that? That would be McMurdo-like, Hun behaviour and I’m not prepared to indulge in it. I’ve contacted the guy regarding the accusations of him having multiple accounts. He’s replied and has disowned any responsibility for Mohammed McConaughey, which, to me, implies that he is using other usernames. But, really, who gives a fuck?

Is he attempting to defraud anybody? Is he a Hun in disguise? If he is, he’s doing a bloody good job of staying undercover. It seems only certain people have an issue with him and the only advice I can proffer is that suggested by Hector. As for banning him, Der Fuhrer gets on my tits frequently; should I ban her from the house, throw her onto the street and barricade the door? Get a grip, people!

If you’re knocking on a bit, like me, you probably read music papers back in the late 70s and early 80s. Melody Maker pretended that punk had never happened and continued to beat the drum for prog-rock dinosaurs. Record Mirror didn’t take itself, or music and musicians, too seriously and was only ruined by the arrival of Paula Yates. Sounds was my paper of choice, since it had folk that were passionate about music and saw that, not themselves, as their major consideration. In contrast, the NME saw itself as a repository of intellectualism and had writers that were full of their own importance.

The worst culprit was oneĀ Julie Burchill, whose flowery prose was so difficult to get through that you never knew whether or not she liked the band she was talking about. Worse; it was difficult to understand what the hell she was on about at all. She always reminded me of what Disraeli said of Gladstone, that he was, “A sophisticated rhetorician inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity.”

I can’t stand over-descriptiveness and trying to show off with lots of adjectives, adverbs, similes and metaphors. It makes for writing that’s boring and pretentious, like Tolkien’s works. That’s why I try to avoid such things in my own writing, while also avoiding being as stripped-back as Samuel Beckett. It’s also why I can’t indulge in all the praise that’s being heaped on the late Hugh McIlvanney. If anything, he should be castigated for leading to sports journalists trying to be romantic novelists. Nowadays, nobody can just arrive, they have to ‘jet in’ and they can’t just be rich but have to have ‘wealth off the radar’. Reading McIlvanney’s prose it soon becomes clear that the most important thing was not the sport he was reporting on, but the man himself.

He was also, apparently, a bully on a par with the obnoxious Alex ‘Candid’ Cameron. I can’t find any reference to him condemning, or even mentioning, the sectarian signing policy of Rangers. He did, however, have plenty to say about RC schools, to the joy of the Huns, who still like to quote him. I’m willing to be corrected, but he doesn’t seem to me to be much different to Traynor or Jackson, except that he had a bigger thesaurus.

Since McIlvanney influenced other sports journalists to use flowery prose, he was responsible for my favourite piece of sports commentary ever, which I’ve probably mentioned before. It was back in 1984, when I was listening to a Celtic game on Radio Clyde, that Jimmy Sanderson came out with the classic, “And Maurice Johnston leaps for the ball, his blond hair glinting in the autumn sunshine!” Maybe I should be praising McIlvanney after all.

Just like the phantom Chinese bid, it turns out that there was no bid for El Guffalo from Nice. Patrick Vieira, the Nice manager, when asked about it, had no idea what they were on about. The Daily Record, uncharacteristically, decided to report this story. Rather than do their usual, however, and attribute it to a ‘Record Reporter’, they decided to let somebody put his name to it. Do you think it’s a coincidence that the ‘reporter’ has the first name Liam? Christ, they’d have been as well telling the Huns explicitly not to believe it!

“El Whatalo? Who he?”

Honest Dave, meanwhile, has finally put that money in an escrow account. I wonder what he’s got up his sleeve this time. No doubt there’ll be gangsters going round to the door of every shareholder to tell them not to accept the offer – or else. King didn’t get where he is today by doing things ethically.

And what about that DR front page? Talk about trying to influence proceedings! Again, they should just have been more explicit and said, “Hang the bastard!” The Daily Record has previous for jumping the gun like this and making a complete arse of themselves. Remember that time their front page announced the death of Rangers? Oh, wait…

I was reading in the DR about some woman talking about cleaning her lavvy brush in the dishwasher. As well as being disgusted, I thought about my classroom assistant when I was a teacher, who was constantly taken the piss out of by me and the pupils for being posh. I don’t know what we were talking about in the staffroom, but she informed us that she refused to have a lavvy brush in her toilet since they were filthy and harbingers of all manner of germs. As well as informing her that we commoners let the things soak in neat bleach, I asked her what one did in her house after doing a shite. Did you have to get down on your knees with a bundle of Dettox wipes? Imagine if there were skid marks below the water line; would you want to put your hand in there? And suppose you had the spam fritters? I think we’ll just leave it there.

Finally, as there usually are at this time of year, the TV is full of adverts for new kitchens. Strangely, the women in the ads all look as if they’ve eaten nothing more substantial than a lettuce sandwich (made with Slimcea, of course) for years. What the hell do they need a kitchen for? I suppose it’s par for the course in adverts. Most Pringles are munched by fat bastards sprawled out on the couch watching the telly. To see the adverts, though, it’s all young people that eat one or two Pringles and then it’s party time. They must lace the things with cocaine or something!

“Awright, troops? Huv ye heard aboot aw they fuckin’ Tarriers thit run riot in Amsterdam bein’ let oaff? Ah mean, they attacked wummen an’ weans, overturned trams, smashed windaes, burned buildin’s tae the grun’ an’ viciously attacked polis officers. Noo, the courts ower there hiv decided thit the polis wur lyin’. If that’d been Raynjurz supporters they’d’ve been banged up fur life. ‘At’s whit happns in a papish country like Holland!”

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15 thoughts on “CALM DOWN!

  1. While we are on the subject of flowey prose Burn’s night has just been and gone and the nearest it got to being marked in this house was we had mashed neeps with our venison for dinner last night . Like most things these days Burn’s night has got a bit out of hand with my gay English neighbours posting pictures of their Burn’s night in darkest Yorkshire South of the wall and vegetarian haggis . I only ever eat full fat wild free range haggis shot by myself to keep down the food miles . My parents and grandparents never bothered with Burn’s night so we were brought up with no tradition of going to the things unlike some of my friends. I doubt I would fit into my tartan trews these days and since falling out with Torquil .Farquhar and Ruaridh I no longer get invites . A few bloggers try to sound clever dear reader using big words and flowery prose while begging for cash , chatting to their made up friends and posting endless pictures of their NUJ card . Good luck to them but we come back to Mick who despite his unique use of the English language and spelling that would cause a spell checker to run out of red pixels remains one of my favourite bloggers . He also had a streak of common decency that puts some of the award hungry big headed bloggers to shame .
    Back to the fall out on this blog it is good to post things that others may not agree with and have a discussion or even an argument as it would be a bit boring if we all sang from the same hymn sheet .On sites that are over moderated it just ends up an echo chamber like SFM which is why it ends up getting trolls like the Steerpike collective who just go in for a bit of fun not as part of some establishment conspiracy like the old duffers like to pretend . A good rule of thumb when having a debate on the internet is ask yourself if you would say your comment to the other persons face in a pub and if so would you expect a punch in the mouth . If it would get you a kicking best not say it . SIMPLES . The comments section on ETims can be good fun as it is moderated with a gentle hand but even there some end up on the naughty step not mentioning any names Monti but afterwards they all kiss and make up and on it goes . So as young Pat says Calm down dear and have fun .

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am calm. I’m as cool as a penguin’s bawbag…

    Recited Tam O’Shanter at a supper last night. Good fun as long as nobody takes it too seriously, and they keep the speeches short. An excuse to get out and interact at this pish time of year.
    Madam Butterflush has decided a new kitchen is what we need…


  3. Looks like the Idiot in exile is in the huff again and is going to slink off behind his paywall again and those that have donated will have to contact the tit to get a new password if they want to read his drivel . He has a parting shot or should it be broadside at Phil and a few un named Celtic bloggers tells everyone how great he is and flounces off into the sunset again . I wonder how long the self imposed exile will last this time . He also states that hits don’t matter to him which from a man that used to point to the blog hits counter every chance he got when he was flavour of the month is a bit of a porkie . Anyway tatty bye to the Tit on the fence and as I will not be donating I will just have to miss out on his fabled E book should it ever surface .
    Our Phil is still making a bit of a JJ of himself over the plastic Irishman quip from an MSP and what seems to bother him most is she continues to ignore him rather than the racist overtones of the remark . He does not live in the constituency of the MSP and he chose to leave the country of the MSP so she has no obligation to talk to him even with an NUJ card . He warns her to ignore him at her peril as Rangers found out the hard way .Jesus the ego has landed . JJ and oor Phil have a lot in common . Not sure what leverage Phil would have over the lassie in question as the one bit of information that could have been used has already been shamefully dumped in the public domain by one of his pals . A rum lot these bloggers .


    1. Not watched it but it gets slaughtered as it is Neil Oliver who often paints the clearances as a jolly cruise of teuchters listening to Norman Tebbit and getting on their bikes to look for work . Met the great man on Mull in a foul mood as he was supposed to be filming , his ” people ” were late so he had to talk to us plebs . He had enough fake tan on that Kenny Miller would have taken the piss and his mood did not improve when some tourists referred to him as Jamie Oliver . A jumped up little shit of a man . Wonder what team he supports ?


      1. Hector,
        I’ve heard he’s a Zombie m8…..i was standing behind him in a card shop in Stirling, a few years ago now.
        He has a very serious demeanour.
        Obviously not enjoying his football lol


      2. He was on my flight a year or so ago heading to Scotland from Stansted and what i found odd is that people wanted his autograph, my mum quite likes him but i doubt sheā€™d ever want a signed piece of paper or a signed photo of him, heā€™s not even famous


    2. Nich,
      Are they all dressed in harris tweed, eating shortbread & drinking whisky?
      All of them called, Angus, Hector, Findlay or Rupert šŸ™‚


      1. I see you have lost none of your charm you dole diddling , benefit scrounging terrorist loving scumbag . Regards to the family old boy and stick the head into Cam if you see him and say hello from me ..


  4. Pat, I’ve run a few forums (fora?) over the years, and it’s a fact of nature that even the most benign group of people with a common interest will descend into a pit of hatred as time goes on. It seems to be one of those sorts of entropy laws with regards to the internet that is inescapable. You have no idea how much bile was tossed around in the original Olivia Newton-John mailing list in the early 90s, I kid you not. It almost got physical, physical.

    I’ve found (to my horror) that too heavy a hand from the moderators when one or two old regulars start biting chunks out of each other kills the group dead for the hundreds of other people who just read. I’m not sure if there’s a Roman coliseum effect going on, people enjoying the fighting, or that people like groups to be egalitarian and for mods just to do admin. When they see any sort of authoritarian intervention, it turns them off. Either way, I think just asking people to calm down is the only safe way ahead. usually one or both parties is looking for the group to “side” with them, mods and the “audience” and thus win the argument, so pointing out there’s no “sides” can diffuse the situation.


  5. Happy new year Pat. Just catching up on your blogs. By the looks of it some of the posters are into it like you see on hun media. A place I alway love to go when they get bet just to read the angry posts and arguments.


    1. Monti at last someone telling the truth about the Masons patron saint! !Biggest night of the year for that shower their annual Burns Night! Also agree on poems -“I had to do them for my CSYS (6th yr) English and I hated them!! Couldn’t understand them for a bloody start! Try writing a Practical Criticism report on somebody who, for me anyway, was speaking another language! Well done my man for your take on this eejit!!!


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