Well, the Orange Order and other assorted baboons will no doubt be congratulating themselves at their demo in George Square going off so peacefully. It probably won’t occur to them that it was only peaceful because there wasn’t a gang of fuckwits attacking them. Oops, sorry, they’re complaining that they’re under attack from Call It Out. So, all these self-proclaimed hard men are terrified of a few folk, mostly women, standing outside a chapel, holding a banner? No wonder they all hide whenever a war is declared. Mind you, the OO’s Grand Bastard seems to believe it’s all a big, SNP conspiracy. They’re all fucking mental. Thank Christ their team won on Saturday or they’d have run rampage through Glasgow.

The Grand Bastard arrives in George Square.

The Grand Bastard also moans about it being a “sad day for democracy” and makes a fantastic claim on behalf of the Orange Order.

“For over 200 years, Orange Lodges in Scotland have existed in many parts of Scotland, standing up for the rights of the working classes.”

Is he fucking joking? Orangemen all over the UK, throughout the 19th Century, opposed every extension of the franchise. So much for ‘standing up for the rights of the working classes’! Essentially, they were nothing more than stormtroopers for the Tories. Some things never change, eh? And the least said about their involvement in Trades Unions the better. All they cared about was the right kind of working-class people. And it wasn’t just Catholics they kept out of their unions; unskilled workers were persona non grata as well.

The Church of Scotland, meanwhile, has given the lie to the whole idea of Protestants being discriminated against. Not that such a statement will affect any of the fat, bald-headed morons dragging their knuckles down to George Square; I doubt any of them have seen the inside of a church since they were baptised. Mind you, that’s giving them the benefit of the doubt. The truth is that most of them are nothing but poor, benighted heathens. They don’t even know why they hate Catholics or Irish people.

The CofS statement also gives the lie to the shite published by John Niven in the Record (where else?). He goes on about the ‘divide’ between Catholics and Protestants, being totally disingenuous about the fact that the real divide is between The Peeppul and everybody else. Niven says he left all that kind of stuff back in the 70s. That’s a strange one. Normal folk left it back in the 17th Century!

Not content with just the one Nuremberg rally, later in the day it was time for another Armed Forces Day at Ibrox. It seems to have been a low-key event this year, with nobody abseiling down from the roof and no big guns going off. The fact that the armed forces turn up to cheer on this bunch of bigots every year says a lot about them. Of course, there was the usual collection, which, my sources tell me, reached the grand total of 23/4½d. And no, that’s not a mistake; the stingy cunts all put old pennies in the collection tins. Apparently, it’s still the same money.

Espresso Martini injured his hamstring and had to go off before half-time. Unfortunately, Gerrard can’t find anyone to blame for this; Espresso Martini wasn’t picked for the England squad, and isn’t likely to be either. The SFA, on the other hand, always have to include Neo-Gers players in their squads, otherwise they’ll be accused of being Raynjurz-hating, Fenian bastards. That’s how Ryan Jack found his way into the squad; it certainly wasn’t on merit. He’s got an injury as well, which Gerrard blames on the primitive training methods employed by Steve Clarke. He made Jack go on a run; the dirty, evil bastard!

It’s pretty obvious that Jack must have had at least a twinge before being sent off to join the Scotland squad, otherwise a mere run wouldn’t have fucked him up so much. Changed days at Ibrox, then. Time was when a player would be kept out of the Scotland squad, brandishing a doctor’s note saying how close to death he was. Three days later, he’d manfully climb from his death bed to turn out for Rangers. Nowadays, the new club seems happy enough to send players that are already injured to the Scotland squad. It’s probably just so they can blame Scotland for the injury, instead of admitting that Gerrard and Sperm Heid haven’t got a fucking clue what they’re doing.

“There, there, son! Did the bad man make you run and hurt your leg?”

Everybody’s favourite soup-taker, Nacho Novo, is on a quest to find the numbskull that wrote something about Fernando Ricksen on Twitter. Not that he’s overly concerned about his ‘friend’, as he makes plain.

“I hope the media put this comment in the papers because when a comment was said to Scott Brown about his sister it was front page news so I hope Celtic do the same with that wee b****** and ban him for life.

We don’t want any favours from anybody but we just want justice.”

That’s the whole point of his tirade; the filthy, little cunt just wants ‘parity’. You’ll notice that he says absolutely nothing to condemn what was said to Scott Brown. It’s another, desperate attempt at ‘whatabootery’ and, the Daily Record, being what it is, is happy to give him a platform.

Yes, the comment about Ricksen should be condemned, but we’re talking about Twitter here. Unfortunately, like all social media, it’s full of anonymous, wee shites spouting bile without fear of retribution. There have been plenty of vile comments about Ricksen on Twitter, as there have been about Scott Brown and Jay Beattie, among others. The difference is that, notably, Celtic supporters are quick to condemn the comments about Ricksen, while The Peeppul are equally as quick to blame the comments about Brown and Wee Jay on trouble-making Taigs. Now, who’s to say that the latest comment about Ricksen wasn’t made by some trouble-making Hun?

In the Sunday Mail, Sheyi Ojo is making an arse of himself again. He’s going on about some kind of ‘telepathy’ between him and Espresso Martini and hopes they’re going to be as effective as they were at Liverpool. Given that neither of them have actually featured in the Liverpool team, that wee prediction doesn’t bode well for Neo-Gers. He’s also claiming that he was playing with an injury against Celtic. He’s obviously been spending too much time around Steven Gerrard the way he’s looking for excuses. His best one, though, is when he says that Neo-Gers had played too many games before facing Celtic. For fuck’s sake, son, it’s only September, not the middle of May!

“Listen, pal, when you’re a martyr to your back, like me, you get tired easy. And I’m used to guddling about in the EFL and the Reims ‘B’ team, not facing teams like Celtic. And did I mention that I was playing with an injury? It won’t be like that next time. We’re still the best team in Scotland…drone…drone…blah…blah…”

When I read some of the shite that’s going on in schools, I’m glad to be well out of it. ‘Identity’ seems to be the buzz word at the moment. Schools in England and Wales have been told that they have to accommodate children’s ‘gender identity’ and let them use the communal changing rooms of whichever gender they claim to be. I’ve no doubt that this will soon be happening in Scotland’s schools as well; if it’s not already happening. I don’t think I’d be too happy about letting some boy share a changing room with the girls just because he says he’s female. It’s a piece of fucking nonsense.

You get dirty, wee bastards, who are only in P5, that expose themselves to girls. (Trust me, it happens.) Such a pervert-in-training can say he’s a girl and then have a laugh with his like-minded mates about flashing his knob in the girls’ changing room. And that’s just in primary school; secondary would present even more problems. As usual, nobody asks the girls what they think about it.

I read some feminist on Twitter, who says that this business of being allowed to identify as female (and, let’s face it, it seems to be mostly males that are involved) is yet another example of how women’s opinions are pretty much ignored in a male-dominated society. I find myself in complete agreement with this. If they want to go ahead with this shite, the least they can do is ask girls how they feel about it. If they’re not happy, then Mr. Junior Trans can fuck off!

As if that weren’t bad enough, some stupid woman has been moaning because  her son was called Harry 2 at school. Apparently, this is erasing his ‘identity’. Christ Almighty! Is there no end to the things that folk find to complain about? God help her if her boy was at one of those old-fashioned, fee-paying schools, where boys from the same family are called Jones Major, Jones Minor and Jones Minimus. (I don’t know what happens if there are more than three.) God help her too if her boy had been in one of my classes, where I used first name and the surname’s initial if there were two or more with the same name; for example, I had a Kirsty T and a Kirsty W. I even shortened some names, like when I called Melissa ‘Mel’. Her surname began with ‘C’, so, obviously I used that as well. Those poor children and their identities!

Usually, I taught children that were old enough to write their own names on their jotters. I had no rules about this, except, of course, when there was more than one Ryan and the like. They could write their full names if they wanted, but most were happy just to use an initial for their surname. Nobody complained about their ‘identities’ being erased. There was one incident, though, that nobody could have foreseen. John, who was in one of my classes in Glasgow, always wrote his name as John R (name changed to protect the innocent!). I thought nothing of it until a psychologist came to see him. Practically the whole school heard the uproar in the medical room, including John throwing a chair through the window. The psychologist asked him to write his name, which he did by writing John R. The psychologist insisted he write his full name, which sparked the violent outburst. It turned out that he couldn’t spell his surname! Strangely, John never seemed to have any bother with his identity.

We had the grandchildren overnight on Saturday, which is the first time we’ve had them both at the same time. Never again! They’re at that age where they easily get on each other’s nerves and we had to constantly break up fights. Then there were the tantrums, which never seem to happen when there’s only one staying with us. And the bursting into inconsolable tears for no apparent reason; that never happens either when one of them is on their own. Thank Christ we only had the one child; I’d have gone mental otherwise. Well, even more mental than I am now!

With Daniel in the house, we had to watch Little Baby Bum on Netflix; he demands it every time. If I have to hear about those wheels on that fucking bus going round and round once more… There’s a character in it, a bloke with a grey beard (you can see him below), who appears again and again and again. He drives the bus that has the wheels that go round and fucking round, he’s Old MacDonald, he’s the farmer that had a dog and Bingo was it’s name-o, the Grand Old Duke of York, the doctor to Miss Polly’s Dolly, a trumpeter in one band and a banjo player in another. And those aren’t the only things he does. The cunt’s got more jobs than that Miss Rabbit in Peppa Pig!

The single greatest cause of unemployment in LBB-land.

“Awright, troops? It wiz good tae weer ma poppy tap tae the game yistirday fur Armed Forces Day. It makes ye feel dead proud tae hink thit Raynjurz is the only team in the UK thit hiz aw they sodjers ‘n ‘at intae thur stadium. An’ fur aw they fuckers thit doubt The Peeppul’s commitment tae wur armed forces durin’ the war, jist remember thit they widnae’ve been able tae fight ower in Europe ‘n ‘at if we hidnae built ships fur thum tae fuckin’ go ower oan!”

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  1. Sorry Pat but a think the peepuls regiment abseiled doon fae the heavens 😂… The way this is panning out reminds me of one of your works. Hope not.


  2. Pat, I am reliably informed, by a impecable source, no less, that the progression is as follows ;-
    Major, Minor, Minimus and “Fuxake no anither bliddy one. Nane aye youze toffs goat a telly?”

    Or, Mikkimus follows on from Minimus…


    Liked by 1 person

  3. Getting on to dangerous ground with this gender identity nonsense Pat . I see Lord Ashcroft tweeting an article that claims there are 20 odd genders one can chose to identify as . There is even one for normal people that identify as the gender they are born with so apparently I am Cis whatever the hell that means . Give it a week or two and the number of genders will likely hit the thirty mark as the weird and wonderful all pile in . Another insanity is everyone’s favourite little bigot PZJ asking any Rangers fan or just protestants for that matter that voted SNP to change their vote . If this little tit believes the shit he spouts he should bugger off down the booby hatch . There are also nut jobs on the Indy side with blogger Jason Michael claiming Scotland does not import bigotry from Northern Ireland but we export it . Jason is apparently a Scot living in Dublin and backs his claims up with pish like Scotland sent Scots to Ulster in historical times so it is all down to us . Where do you start with that one . The original Scots were a tribe or clan that lived in the kingdom of Dalriada which included a chunk of NI so how far back are we going to go to dish out the blame . As Ireland is handing out Irish passports to the likes of Iain Paisley making them ” Irish ” so if he spouts bigoted pish then the flow is in the other direction . It is just another lazy generalisation like the Orange order being a West of Scotland problem when you don’t see orange walks all over the vast majority of the West . Jason while he has produced some good blogs is doing a JJ as he claims when he visits the country of his birth MI5 are all over him like a rash which I think over inflates his own importance a bit or he makes things up . Still no need to worry about Jason as like other sensitive little flowers if you do not agree with him he just blocks you .



    These parents are idiots.

    I don’t get what the end game is with this what are people like this trying to achieve.

    This for me is all about trying to be different, trying to be special, those parents will insist at school and every occasion that certain things happen and not only waste time but single out their child for unwanted attention.


  5. You may remember that registers used to be surname in alphabetical order followed by given name. I had a class which had King James followed by King William. Of course he wanted to be called Billy . It was Shotts after all.
    My nephew had three other Michaels in his class. He was Michael 4. He turned out a well balanced adult .Comfortable with his identity.


  6. It’s the lowest of the fucking low that stoop to the levels of personal abuse we’ve seen in recent times. The plight of Fernando Ricksen is heartbreaking. As someone who could not stand the guy when he was in his pomp, I find none of that matters when you see what the poor soul has to endure now. Likewise Scott Brown suffered the anguish of watching a loved one cruelly taken away. Regardless of what you think of him as a footballer, he is first and foremost a human being….unlike those bastards who indulge in abusing him. Oh…and I’m fucked if I can keep up with all this gender pish. There’s 2 genders for fucks sake….men and crabbit cunts.!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Good morning . Who knew all it would take to sort out global warming was to ban catholic schools ? That and the new question being proposed by the Yoons for Indyref 2 being ” Hands up if you think it is a good idea to be cast into the void alone forever and leave this precious union ” suggest that the yoons are worried .Mad Murdo Fraser also wants a two thirds majority for us to leave the union which is a bit rich coming from a bed blocker that clogs up a seat in our parliament despite the electorate rejecting the fud at every election .


    1. If it’s no’ fae Cafflick schools where does the bigutry come fae? Ah went tae school wi’ darkies, pakis, even the odd poof an’ there wiz nae bigutry coz they wurnae taigs! We treated them as if they were normal an’ they respected us fur it an’ knew thur place. It’s uppity fenians that coz aw the bother wi’ thur fancy read in’ an’ rightin’ an’ stuff – they aw end up like Anderson, thinkin’ they’re better than the Peepul.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Pat,
    I work in Edinburgh & as you know, all sorts of faggot shit is happening there, i even work beside some of the queers.
    I can’t get my fucking head around it….cough.
    I saw a mangirl thing the other day, black wig, skirt, the full garb, a fucking shambles.
    I long for a return to the Victorian days, when men were men & women seen but not heard.
    The worst thing that could ever happen was giving women a voice, never mind a vote.
    Now they want into Golf clubs & get equal pay?
    Fuck sake min.

    Good morning hector, you shitehawk Scumbag.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Not to mention the playing of the mans game, football.
      A fucking joke, do the women get paid for playing football?
      What the fuck is going on?


  9. MND is a shit of a disease . It was brought home how bad as the world watched Joost van der Westhuizen one of the best rugby players I have ever seen destroyed by the disease . Now Fernando is gone and with Doddie Weir diagnosed a couple of years ago we are going through it again . All three have raised the profile of the disease in the public eye and raised funds for research so if anyone has a few quid I can think of worse places to donate to . RIP Fernando .


    1. Hector,
      My partners mother has MND & has done for years, it’s taken most of her mobility & seriously hampered her ability to communicate, it’s difficuilt to watch this happening to someone who was once very active.
      Heart breaking.


    1. I think the bigger influence, unless Lizzie was indirectly behind it, was the pledges made by Cameron, Brown and Clegg of what Scotland would get if the vote was NO. Has even one of those promises been fulfilled?


    2. I think the bigger influence, unless Lizzie was indirectly behind it, was the pledges made by Cameron, Brown and Clegg of what Scotland would get if the vote was NO. Has even one of those promises been fulfilled?


  10. I was deeply saddened to hear of Fernando Ricksen’s passing. Of course, thoughts at this difficult time are with his loved ones. He battled bravely against this hideous disease, a true mark of the man he was. May he rest in peace.
    Looks like Alan Brazil dropped a pearler on talkshit radio yesterday morning. Letting slip he had info that serious financial worries were about to hit the Orcs hard..! Eh…. welcome to the real world Al….better late than never.! Of course fat salary sat opposite him and uhm’d and ah’d… mumbling something about knowing nothing etc. Or maybe he was just too busy firing into his first Gregg’s of the day… fucking oaf.!!


  11. Meanwhile in the madness of JJ our hero is going to drop an exclusive so explosive that it will blow Phil’s socks off and may lead to an international arrest warrant for our scribe in exile . This bombshell will only be revealed to the staunch 100 who have donated cash to the old fraud in September . The world beating exclusive involves the court case of the century but the tit forgets to mention which case that is and lets slip that he still does not have 100 fools hooked hence the sales drive . JJ you are one sick little puppy but we salute you .


  12. Monti, I was reading up on Sentinel Celts as you recommended a while back and in the comments it mentioned a podcast that ‘Monti’ had contributed towards, was that you? as there wasn’t a link to any podcast that i could see.


  13. I see our two award winning egos are still not getting along as The Tit on the Fence and Phil are still at war . It is a shame as they have a lot in common and both could talk pish for their country . Phil is doing his usual five bob fortune teller routine dear reader with vague rumours and then if any turn out to be right he will claim the credit . The Tit is still claiming Phil plagiarises his forensic exclusives and has no sources but if Phil is copying him that would make JJ his source which would be awkward . Perhaps the Minge is Phil’s source


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